Monday, March 29, 2010


I've recently realized that I have never, in my life, considered NOT going to college. I have never thought about doing something that did not require a degree, or even that I might WANT to do something that did not require a degree. After all my parents are both college educated, one of them is a lawyer, we are on the upper side of middleclass....why would I be anything but just like them?

Well, maybe not just like them. It's been my passion for as long as anyone can remember to be a veterinarian, and they aren't exactly the richest people around, especially after a potential 8 years of schooling and student loans....but I never thought that I would want anything but that 8 years of schooling. I'm still not sure I do want anything but that, but I'm beginning to consider it.

There are so many other things to do within the range of my particular passion. I'm really interested in going to a farrier's school to learn how to shoe horses, though I'm not sure it is a skill I would be willing to pursue as a career (as all the middle aged farriers I have known have been in incredibly bad shape, and as their backs and knees got bad it became very hard on them to continue working). I'd love to have the opportunity to professionally train horses, though I doubt I'll ever have the skill. I'd love to do rescue work, like so many of the people that inspire me and are helping to shape my life at the moment.

It's something I'll have to think about...but it's nice to have realized that there are other options.

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