Monday, August 2, 2010

A Beach Vacation

If there is anything in the world that could make me believe in magic it would be the ocean. There's nothing quite like wiggling your toes in wet sand and looking out past waves to a completely flat horizon, or swimming in something that seems to go on forever. It's the kind of thing that causes existential crises or (in the case of little girls with overactive imaginations and a taste for reading fantasy novels) creates wild imaginings of swords, sorcery and the kick ass princess (Disney and the damsels in distress can go screw themselves). Or maybe talking dolphins, but I'm a bit past that phase.

The beach was beautiful, obviously. The company was great.

Universal studios was awesome.

I got some really amazing leg warmers.

And we all arrived home safe, sound and sunburned.

Much as it annoys my mother to hear it I never wanted to leave. Puppies and ponies aside, I'd stay in SoCal forever if I could.

So thank you to my lovely friends and their family for taking me back there, at least for a little while. <3

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