Thursday, July 22, 2010

On the Road Again

Let me start by saying it's summer in Bakersfield. If you don't know where Bakersfield is or what it's like, let me advise you against visiting. Ever. It is a craphole at the best of times and on days like this, in a motel with shitty air conditioning on the way to somewhere Better, it is even worse.

It was nearly too hot to walk across the parking lot to CoCo's for cold drinks and pie (PIE, four teenagers who nearly did not want to walk to get PIE!).

I prefer the driving to sitting in a motel staring at walls, but then again I've always liked driving. Cramped, overheated, noisy car full of teenagers and all. Even when it's boring. Even when you're driving down I-5 with nothing in sight but hills and stock yards full of too many cows in too little space with no relief from the stink of the shit they're standing in. Sitting in a car going Anywhere But Here is peaceful, thoughtless, and one of my favorite ways to spend time.

Sitting here with the cheap prints on the wall and the rose wallpaper and the mediocre tv and no relief from the heat is not.

But at the end of this road is the BEACH. Anything for the beach.

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