Friday, July 16, 2010


So I recently got the cutest puppy ever.

She comes from Animal Control by way of The Grace Foundation of Northern California, from a litter that would have been put down thanks to apparent ringworm (which they didn't actually have) had they stayed at the shelter. Fortunately Beth DeCaprio of The Grace Foundation picked them up, brought them back, and found them all foster homes.

When I first saw her she was skinny and badly proportioned, with an angry red rash all over her body. When I picked her up from her first foster home she had gained a little weight and the remains of the rash were much faded.

In the past week and a half she's grown significantly and has no signs of the rash left, has gained a much nicer coat and a lot more energy (she's quite literally bouncing off the furniture when she's not out like a light).

We have absolutely no idea what breed she is--The Grace Foundation's guess was Corgi/Australian Shepherd, but while her siblings look much more like Corgis she appears more Chihuahua (ew) or Rat Terrier, with a Border Collie pattern, if not coloring. Oh well, I'm a big fan of mutts.

Not only is she adorable, she's incredibly sweet and people-motivated, making her easy to train despite her high energy. She sits, comes to her name, and has begun begging at the door to be let out. As soon as she gets her shots (and it stops being so damn hot!) we'll take her out and train her how to walk on a leash.

Of course, our cats hate her. And our old dog isn't really sure what to do with this bouncy little ball of fluff, though I'm sure he'll come around eventually.

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