Saturday, July 3, 2010

An Ode to Theoretical Writing Space

(Prompted the The Rejectionist's post about writing spaces

My writing space is currently only theoretical, in that I have never actually written in it. Currently it is That Space With a Desk and Some Books and Notebooks and Crap Overflowing onto the Floor. It's actually a walk in closet, and it looks like this except less blurry:

There is no chair at my desk because I haven't used my desk since I moved it in there around a month ago. And yes, that is a Pirate's of the Caribbean poster. Everyone is allowed to go through a horribly depressing period of liking bad movies once in their lives.

As you can see, there is no space to actually WRITE in this 'writing space'. I cannot fit a computer or a spare notebook on the desk at this point. The desk is a crap catcher for books and notebooks and magazines and horse figurines and pens and incense and jewelry and pictures that don't fit on the bookcase (and a dead plant that I only recently removed, as I have a black thumb and cannot seem to keep anything alive, especially in the summer heat). You could conclude logically and perfectly accurately that this space has not actually been used for writing in a very long time.

But, you see, it's my writing space because as long as I have a named 'writing space' I can continue to labor under the delusion that at some point I will do some actual writing in it, and get out of this horrible slump of writer's block that has been consuming me lately.


  1. Everyone is allowed to go through a horribly depressing period of liking bad movies once in their lives.


    And being slightly delusional is also okay, I think.

  2. Huh... I'm not sure I ever left my bad movie phase. I can watch Bring It On without irony.

    Also, a closet can be a fine writing space. I'm only using a fold down desk in a corner of my bedroom because there's no room for a closet.

  3. I think it's cool that you have a home for your writing things, even if you end up doing your actual writing elsewhere. The notebooks and horses and posters-of-liking-whatever-movies-you-want have to live somewhere!

    Best of luck in tackling the writers block. I know what that feels like (don't we all), and it's not fun. I hope it's over soon for you!
